Welcome to The Silver Galaxy.
The Silver Galaxy is the title given to the series of books
I've been working on since the 7th Grade. Even though I have
temporarily paused production on my story due to school, the
idea of the Silver Galaxy will continue to effect everything
I do.
The Silver Galaxy is a galaxy that encompasses hundreds of
planets. Inhabiting them are a multitude of different peoples
and societies. In a way, so is this website. It is a complilation
of all my interests, my personalities, and as many of the
different aspects of my life as I can possibly show. It is
somewhat of a look inside my head. It will also soon encompass
many more aspects of other people's lives and interests as
I try to convince my friends to start pages of their own.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you have about
anything. kaistarfire@thesilvergalaxy.com